ATR is homeward bound!
The Good News!
After a tumultuous year, ATR was able to close on a forever farm in December of 2025 thanks to the amazing support of everyone who came together to contribute toward our capital campaign!
We are looking for people who share in our dream that every racehorse will have a safe place to transition, and would like to help us make it a reality. Any move comes with projects and work that need to be done and ATR's move into an existing facility adjacent to Fair Hill is no exception. ATR has some urgent needs such as new fencing and repairs, a round pen and hospital paddocks, storage for our hay and straw, and more.
We also have long-term goals such as building a new rehabilitation barn with 12-14 stalls, turning the dressage-sized outdoor arena into an indoor, and renovating the existing barn to better suit the needs of the horses of After the Races.
How To Help:
Any amount you can afford and feel led to give will make an impact.
If you would like to offer to match funds please contact us via EMAIL. This is a very effective way to raise money quickly!
SHARE this campaign and need with others. Word of mouth has led to a lot of new donors and supporters, and you never know who may have a business or company that would like to help After the Races reach some of its construction and repair goals on the farm!
All Donations are Tax Deductible!
Alternative methods to donate:
Venmo: @aftertheraces
PayPal: info@aftertheraces.org
Our long-term goals for a permanent location:
Establish a permanent facility for racehorses in transition from racing.
Increase our number of stalls from 15 to 25+!
Build a 12+ stall rehabilitation barn solely for treating horses recovering from injuries and surgeries.
Pasture planning that involves new fencing so that fields can be divided and managed so we can better rest and rotate fields and have more turnout options to meet an individual horse's needs.
Build at least one indoor area to work with horses year round, which will keep adoptions flowing even in the heart of winter. The farm has two arenas now, one of which is dressage sized and would be a great location for an indoor.
Start an internship program to better educate the next generation of horsemen and women.
A longterm goal is to also start a therapy program for trauma survivors.

Download Campaign Letters and Shareable Content Here
Please note we are working to update this section since the purchase of the new farm! Reach out for shareable content or come back later for more.